Egypt report - Blue hole 2022 deep training

12. 8. 2022 Blog
Martin Chenicek

Well, yes, I promised I'd write to you about our time in Egypt. There you go, sit back, and let's get to it.

Egypt has always been the easiest way for me to get into diving. The plane is there in 4 hours, the sea is warm even in the winter, and the people are very nice. We flew there in the spring, winter, did safari boats in the fall, just Egpyt was always on my bucket list every year multiple times.

And then came the kovid shit, and for two years it wasn't easy for travel. Only now, after all this time, we picked up 8 students who had never been to Egypt, and we set off again to see the beauty of the local countryside.

I mean, especially the sea, hahaha.

Egypt has always been all about Dahab for me, because it's a blue hole and this most famous hole in the world has always been the place where I did all the deeptraining and magic tricks, with a few exceptions.

And it was the same this year.

We stayed at the old hotel Topitel near Canyon, because it's only a short walk to BH and we have a great cave system right next to our house, and that's what it's all about. The price was reasonable, half board, direct flight from Vienna, what more could you ask for.

And how did it go?

Well, again after two years, we occupied Ali Okab's pelé room in front of BH, ordered a special tea and started training like a young man. Two dives a day, explaining all sorts of things, theory, equalizing techniques (most of all by the shovel), and individual attention to everyone involved. Just like I always do.

Our evenings were spent in a different vein, warding off Pharaoh's vengeance over decks of slivovitz (some), and some quality sight-seeing by some of the tour participants (all). The winner of the title "Glutton of the Week" is rightfully and unanimously Mara, because he had a downright alpha role during the evening gastrogenbenges.


So how did the diving go?

Like, David still couldn't head-down balance at all in Poland, and a week later CWTB PB 30m.

Deniska 25 PB, and again a lot of work on relaxation, awareness, and developing my skills. Nice work, Deni..

Romca nice dives already with finally tuned dives, and very nice meters and especially technique.

Mara struggled with the hollows, and when he fought it out, he fell 30m like a young man, and most importantly, he learned again about how, when, why and how much... to OVERDIVE.

Tom, with beautiful technique and also clogged cavities, went through his first experience with a reverse block, but that didn't block him and there were depths again like before the kovid.

Jan, the youngest participant on the trip showed us that 30m is nothing that needs any preparation and we debugged a ton of safety procedures, buddy team and had a lot of fun especially on the Canyon days. And the catchphrases... 20 years, you know.

Lenka doesn't have a block at 12m anymore, which I take as the biggest accomplishment, and especially if she didn't have a cavity full of CR mucus, it would go even deeper. We're just getting started.

And Michal? The best at the end. The "Epileptic at a techno party" style dive is now a nice relaxed dive to 25m, so PB on the rocket and especially in a style that doesn't resemble a mad mouse bite. Nice.

Well, that's about it from me. I'd like to write a lot more about what we did here and how much fun we had, how many times we collapsed laughing and hooting at the whole resort like when Czechs come to Egypt, but you know what, you should be there with us next time. Cause next time it will be. A lot.

"We're gonna be somewhere soon," as Jolanda from "Call the Oracle" used to say, before the hernia got her. Come on. Events are pouring out of the sleeve, now I'm going with another bunch to a Freediving course in Liberec, then to the Maldives, then a behaci camp, a Jogovy weekend, and a roadtrip around the Czech Republic for a week with diving and then it's Croatia for 4 months, Cyprus, Malta, Bali to my resort and then it's Christmas.

It's flying.

So what are you waiting for? : )

Come dive with us, because anyone who doesn't dive and pee in a wetsuit is downright suspicious....


Martin Cheníček
Freediving instructors international
Transcamion s.r.o

Tel : +420 777 266 305
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I am Martin Chenicek, and I have been freediving for years. I've been through many top level sports in my life, swimming marathons, running around 100km a week, rock climbing, snowboarding and downhill bike racing for 10 years, jumping out of a plane and racing road bikes. I am a person who puts sports and any activity in motion first in my life.